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At Skin Solutions, we believe that consultations are a vital step toward achieving the skin of your dreams. That's why we take the time to get to know each of our clients and their unique skin journey. Together, we can work toward your goals and ensure that your skin is healthy and glowing.

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Advanced Skin Consultation

$100 - 45 Minutes


Our Skin Revision Clinic provides professional skin consultations that use the latest technology to assess your skin type and its condition. The use of our Observ skin analysis machine gives us an in-depth understanding of your skin, and within 45 minutes we then provide a tailor-made treatment plan and home care recommendations to ensure that your skin is at its healthiest and most radiant.



Advanced Anti-Aging Consultation

$50 - 30 minutes


Our Anti-Aging consultation service is designed to help you achieve lasting results. Our experienced cosmetic nurse will provide a personalized solution to restore volume, reduce wrinkles, and promote overall skin health. With our range of services, we have everything you need to embrace a more youthful and confident you.



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Consultation plus Facial

$210 - 90 minutes


Our Consult Plus Facial service is the perfect way to start your journey towards healthier, glowing skin. With a thorough skin analysis, we'll help you discover your specific skin goals, create a treatment plan all while you enjoy a customised clinical facial treatment that's tailored to your unique needs. Relax and enjoy a luxurious, informative experience with us, and leave feeling refreshed and reinvigorated with helpful home care recommendations.

T&C: payment for the consultation is required to secure your appointment. Consultation fee is redeemable on first treatment

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